Adi Dibra

< Web Developer / >

Full-Stack Web Developer with 6+ years of experience, based in Stockholm, Sweden.
I build websites providing clean designs and lightning-fast experiences, optimized to captivate visitors and drive sales to your business.

My specialities

  • Web Development

    Fast, Modern and Responsive Websites
  • App Developement

    Interactive, Cross-Platform and User-Friendly
  • Online Presence

    Attract and Convert Clicks to Customers
  • Konsult

    Solutions for Optimazing Office Workflow

Design Examples

  • Basic Template for Contractors

  • Advanced Template for Contractors

  • Professional Template for Contractors


My Arsenal

  • React.js

  • Next.js

  • Astro

  • TypeScript

  • Shadcn/ui

  • Tailwind

  • Shopify

  • Vercel

  • PWA

  • Git

  • Docker

  • Linux

Reach out

Looking forward to meeting you